Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions of INVITALIS GmbH


For all of us in every possible form of orders placed with the following conditions apply. Deviating agreements and arrangements are valid only if confirmed by us in writing. Otherwise, they are binding, even if we do not explicitly object.


Prices are in Euro ex works including the applicable sales tax. For returned goods a credit note is issued. For commercial customers, prices are subject to the applicable sales tax.


Unless is cash on delivery are any invoices payable without payment in advance before goods / invoice output prints. Exceeding the payment period, the purchaser - irrespective of other rights - to repay the interest and expenses thereby incurred. The withholding of payments due to any counter-claims of the customer is not permitted, unless these are undisputed, legally established, or in writing. The same applies to the offset with counterclaims.

Deliveries, delivery times

All orders will be shipped to you as soon as possible. will apply in writing promised delivery deadlines have been met when the consignment leaves within this period, our house, and made available for customer pick-up. Breakdowns, interference by public authority, delay in delivery, strikes and lockouts, as well as events of force majeure entitle us to withdraw from the contract in whole or in part, or extend the delivery time accordingly. The customer is entitled to withdraw if he has previously set an amount corresponding to the order, appropriate extension.

The dispatch of the goods shall be - even with delivery free of charge at the expense and risk of the customer. If refuses to accept the delivery, we are entitled to claim damages for non-compliance in the amount of damages.

Transfer of risk

The risk passes to the customer when the shipment has left our house. The transfer to the carrier is the same. Transport damages and losses during transport to the exporting companies by the customer to report directly and immediately with simultaneous notification to us. (Copy or duplicate)

Specific performance and ensuring

The customer shall inspect the goods immediately upon receipt for obvious defects. If the delivered goods are defective, we will - a replacement or refund the purchase price - to the exclusion of further warranty claims. The identification of any defects must be notified to us immediately. Further claims of the customer are excluded. (With the exception of damage was caused by our gross negligence or willful misconduct) in particular claim for compensation for damage caused by improper use are stored or not the delivered goods themselves.

Retention of title

The delivered goods remain our property until all debts are repaid.

Promotional materials

All of Invitalis provided promotional material, such as brand names, pictures, posters, flyers, videos, advertisements, etc., shall be utilized only for the marketing / sale of Invitalis products. In the case of a combined sale of Invitalis products and similar products of one or more other manufacturers to use Invitalis promotional material is also prohibited.

A publication of the aforementioned promotional materials on the Internet or email is strictly prohibited! Also a transfer of advertising materials to third parties is permitted. The undersigned shall be liable for any damage!

Invitalis may prohibit the use of the aforementioned promotional materials at any time without notice for any reason.

Legal basis and performance

The legal status of federal contractors subject to German law. Performance is Ingolstadt / Germany

Final Provisions

If any provision of these Terms invalid or void, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected.


Ingolstadt, January 2008